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/// Generate a Dioxus component rendering the specified SVG.
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// # use freya::prelude::*;
/// import_svg!(Ferris, "../../../examples/ferris.svg", "100%", "100%");
/// fn app() -> Element {
/// rsx!(Ferris {})
/// }
/// fn another_app() -> Element {
/// rsx!(Ferris {
/// width: "150",
/// height: "40%",
/// })
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! import_svg {
($component_name:ident, $path:expr, $width: expr, $height: expr) => {
// Generate a function with the name derived from the file name
pub fn $component_name(
#[props(default = $width.to_string())] width: String,
#[props(default = $height.to_string())] height: String,
) -> freya::prelude::Element {
use freya::prelude::*;
let svg_content = include_str!($path);
rsx!(svg {